Tech Tip: Printing Without Color Management in macOS 11+

Have you ever wondered how you can make a print in Photoshop without active color management in macOS 11+? Today we will walk you through the process that can be handy when printing test charts for creating color profiles for your printer using your favorite media.

To begin, open your test chart in Photoshop, load the correct paper that you will be using for profiling, then print a nozzle check to visually confirm that all print head nozzles are firing. If any nozzles are clogged, run a cleaning followed by another nozzle check to ensure the nozzles are no longer clogged.

Then go to File->Print and make sure to choose the correct printer.

Open the Print Settings and adjust the following settings:

  • Set the correct Paper Size.
  • In the dropdown that displays the Layout options, change it to Color Matching. Next set it to Epson Color Controls.
  • Again, change the dropdown and this time, set it to Print Settings.
  • Set the correct Media Type.
  • Under Color Settings, change it to Off (No Color Adjustment).

  • Set the print quality to the highest setting, or whichever print quality you are likely to use most often for the current media.
  • Click OK to continue.

Back in the main Print dialog, use the following settings:

  • Make sure the document is untagged, so that it contains no embedded profile.
  • Set Color Handling to Printer Manages Color.
  • Choose Normal Printing.
  • Set the Scaled Print Size to 100%.
  • Set Position to Center.
  • In the print preview, ensure that your chart is not clipped/cropped off.
  • Finally, click the Print button.

For more information, call us at 415-382-8681 or contact us on our website.